Patchwork Green is a hillside and ridgetop farm overlooking the beautiful Canoe Creek Valley several miles north of Decorah, Iowa. Our family grows five acres of vegetables on a farm near Decorah, Iowa. We grow a wide variety of high quality, chemical-free vegetables using sustainable techniques.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back at Farmers Market

Mid-June, and it is mighty wet. It's a bit too familiar, with the floods of 2008 still fresh in our minds.

With the ground saturated and light rains almost every day, machine and hoe work has been suspended in the gardens. We have run out of tilled ground to transplant new crops into, and I hate to pick crops like peas when the plants are wet, for fear of spreading disease.

On the bright side, we have pulled a lot of weeds by hand in the last week, getting the onion, potato and asparagus fields in fairly good shape. And all of the crops look great as they soak up these gentle rains and mild temperatures. With a bit of sunshine, they are going to take off!

It looks like we will be able to continue harvesting great peas several more weeks, the greens are gorgeous and the summer squash starting to set fruit.

As of June 12, Patchwork Green is officially attending the Winneshiek Farmers Market on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. We hope to be there every week through October!

Eat Well,
Your Patchwork Green Farmers
Erik Sessions and Sara Peterson

1 comment:

  1. We have enjoyed the lettuces and have had lovely mixed green salads. Yum!
