our newly 5-year-old daughter, is determined to ride a bike this year without
training wheels. Living on a
gravel road with a gravel sloped driveway makes this a challenge, and anyone
who can learn in this setting is going to be a great biker. So, we get the ‘Mountain Lion’ bike out
every decent afternoon and carefully make our way back and forth on the most
level spot we can find. The Lion
has taught her two older sisters how to balance on two wheels, and I think Nina
will master it soon!
ground is firming up, and the frost is out in many places (but not all). We have repaired the collapsed end-wall
of our cherry tomato hoop house, and will put the ‘skin’ of new plastic on the
entire house tomorrow. Next week,
we’ll actually transplant boc choi, kohlrabi, lettuces and beets in there, and
directly seed some carrots and arugula.
The week after Easter, when the ground will be significantly warmer,
we’ll transplant the cherry tomato crop into the hoop house. By the time the tomatoes are several
feet tall, the early crops will be harvested and out of their way.
feels like we are finally accomplishing garden work now. Compost is spread, construction is
happening, the last of the 2013 trellises and dead plant stalks are
removed. Although I enjoy perusing
seed catalogs, contacting CSA members and seeding flats, it feels good to be
doing real physical work again.
Well, other than shoveling snow, that is!
a great week.
Erik Sessions and Sara Peterson
Green Farmers